The Luxury Pollera is composed of two separate pieces consisting of a blouse and skirt called “pollerón”.
The Blouse: Inside it consists of a basic frame of a shirt that covers the sleeves. On the outside is composed by the top opening of the shirt adorned with braids and two roundabout pieces, a top and bottom one slightly gathered together and worked with different labors, braids and lace.
The Skirt (Pollerón): It consists of three parts: The waistband, Body and the bottom part called “Susto”, these are worked on white fabric with different stitches and enriched with braid and Valencia lace.
We have to mention that these Polleras carry a special work made by national artisans that are sewed directly to the white fabric. Among the names of these techniques we can find “Talco en Sombra”, “Sombreado”, “Calado”, “Zurcido” and Talco al Sol. When these parts are finished, they are assembled together with a type of lace that is handmade called “mundillo.
Because most of the parts of this Pollera are handmade it will take any time between 6 months to one year to be completed, that is the reason that makes this pollera a very expensive one.
This Pollera headdress is decorated with fine” tembleques” usually white.
The jewelry for this Pollera is unlimited and can be used with all the items that you can get but avoiding saturation so they can be appreciated. In the head the combs that are used are the “Balcony”, the “Thoughts” and the “Large-comb” at the back, you can also add a leaf shape ornament called “La Pajuela”, the earrings can be “tendrils” and in the neck you can use the “Tapahueso” or a fine “Golden Necklace” in its replacement. The chains you put on the chest are made of gold and are usually seven of them, including but not limited to the Chata, Witch, Sling, Rosario, Solomon, Guachapalí and the Scapular.
The shoes used for this Pollera are lined in silk or satin matching the grating and streamer color, you should also put a gold buckle on the shoe adorned with Valencia lace.